López de Hoyos Street 64, 1G. 28002 Madrid, Spain
We help hundreds of professionals and businesses seize the opportunity of change in critical areas of the digital and technological world.
López de Hoyos Street 64, 1G. 28002 Madrid, Spain
Programs designed for immediate application in the workplace, focused on practical skills and real projects rather than redundant theory. Learn and apply instantly for direct and effective impact.
They can be adapted to the specific needs of each company, ensuring direct relevance to corporate objectives and challenges.
The program, designed by Logixs experts, combines real business experience and major projects with a deep understanding of industry best practices.
Choose from in-person, 100% remote, or hybrid options to meet the needs of your team.
We turn you into an #AI-driven company. The productivity paradigm has changed, we must change how we do things to get 100% out of this revolution.
You will learn to empathize with users, devise creative solutions, and prototype innovative products for user-centered development.
We teach how to improve project productivity and quality, training and empowering teams in best practices.
You will learn how to use the latest tools and technologies to improve productivity and code quality. Ideal for professionals who aspire to be leaders in mobile development.
Learn to build interfaces that speak the user's language, combining intuitive navigation techniques, effective visual hierarchy and optimized graphic elements.
López de Hoyos Street 64, 1G. 28002 Madrid, Spain
We assess your needs and design a tailored strategy.
We work in short cycles and adapt quickly to deliver effective solutions in less time.
We automate processes, shorten cycles, and ensure continuous quality delivery.
We provide continuous support and seek constant optimizations.
López de Hoyos Street 64, 1G. 28002 Madrid, Spain
López de Hoyos Street 64, 1G. 28002 Madrid, Spain